RosMedia Education التطبيقات

Aprender Polaco - Audio Curso
RosMedia Education
Free Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Offline Appfor Beginners
Rozmówki polsko-hiszpańskie 1.1
Rozmówki polsko-hiszpańskie to aplikacjaprzeznaczona dla osób chcących poznać podstawy językahiszpańskiego. Obejmuje ona zasób pytań, odpowiedzi, słów i zwrotówumożliwiających porozumienie się w typowych codziennych sytuacjach.Rozmówki są podzielone na następujące działy:* przydatne zwroty* pozdrowienia* liczby* czas* miary* kolory* pogoda* dane personalne* nazwy geograficzne* napisy informacyjne* podróż* poczta, telefon* zakwaterowanie* zwiedzanie* restauracja, bar* zakupy* lekarz, apteka* razem: ponad 1000 przydatnych słów, zwrotów i frazRozmówki umożliwiają rozpoczęcie nauki języka osobom, którenigdy wcześniej nie miały styczności z językiem hiszpańskim,jednakże są one również doskonałą aplikacją, która ugruntuje iposzerzy znajomość języka u osób mających już podstawyhiszpańskiego.Wszystkie zwroty, wyrażenia i rozmówki - oprócz tego, żewyświetlają się na ekranie - są również podane w formie audio.Pliki audio zostały utworzone w taki sposób, aby było możliweodsłuchiwanie dowolnie wybranych słów, zwrotów i wyrażeń. Możeszrównież odsłuchać cały materiał z danego działu.Aplikacja po zainstalowaniu może być użytkowana off-line (bezkonieczności połączenia z Internetem).Dodatkowo aplikacja zawiera podstawowe informacje oHiszpanii.Polish-Spanish phrasebookis an application designed for people who want to learn the basicsof the Spanish language. It includes questions, answers, words andphrases which enable communication in typical everyday situations.The phrases are divided into the following sections:* Useful phrases* greetings* Number* time* Measure* Colors* weather* personal data* Geographical names* Subtitle Information* journey* Mail, phone* Accommodation* sightseeing* Restaurant, bar* shopping* Doctor, pharmacy* Together: more than 1,000 useful words, phrases and phrasesPhrasebook allow you to start learning the language of peoplewho had never been in contact with the Spanish language, but theyare also an excellent application that will consolidate and expandknowledge in people who already have the basics of Spanish.All phrases, expressions and phrase - in addition to beingdisplayed on the screen - are also given in the form of audio.The audio files were created in such a way that it is possibleto listen to any selected words, phrases and expressions. You canalso listen to all the material in the chapter.The application after installation can be operated off-line(without connection to the Internet).Additionally, the application provides basic information aboutSpain.
Rozmówki polsko-chorwackie 1.4
RosMedia Education
Polish-Croatian phrasebook for beginners
Rozmówki polsko-angielskie - s 1.8
RosMedia Education
Rozmówki polsko-angielskie - Angielski dla początkujących zpodstawami gramatyki
Rozmówki polsko-norweskie - sz 1.5
RosMedia Education
Norwegian Language for beginners with the basics of grammar - Quickcourse
Rozmówki polsko-węgierskie - s 1.3
RosMedia Education
Hungarian language for beginners with the basics of grammar - Quickcourse
Quick Spanish - Learn Spanish 1.12
RosMedia Education
Learn Spanish with an Audio Phrasebook - Perfect for Beginners!
Learn & Speak German Language 1.8
RosMedia Education
Free German Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Rozmówki polsko-niemieckie 1.4
RosMedia Education
Polish-German phrase book for beginners
Rozmówki polsko-francuskie 1.6
RosMedia Education
Rozmówki polsko-francuskie audio dla początkujących + podstawygramatyki
Rozmówki polsko-włoskie - szyb 1.13
RosMedia Education
Polish-Italian phrase book - Italian Language for beginners withthe basics of grammar
Rozmówki polsko-rosyjskie 1.2
RosMedia Education
Polish-Russian phrase book for beginners
Learn POLISH Fast&Easy 2.0
RosMedia Education
Quick Polish Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Portuguese-English Free Langua 1.5
RosMedia Education
Free Portuguese - English Language Learning Audio Phrasebook andDictionary
Learn & Speak Flemish Language 1.9
RosMedia Education
Free Flemish Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Learn & Speak Italian Language 1.6
RosMedia Education
Free Italian Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Learn & Speak Greek Language A 1.5
RosMedia Education
Free Greek Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Learn & Speak Russian Fast&Eas 1.5
RosMedia Education
Free Russian Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Learn & Speak Japanese Languag 2.1
RosMedia Education
Free Japanese Language Learning Audio Phrasebook & DictionaryApp for Beginners
Deutsch-Englisch - Audio Sprac 1.5
RosMedia Education
Quick Language Learning !!!
Learn Portuguese Language - Qu 1.4
RosMedia Education
Free Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary App forBeginners
Rozmówki polsko-portugalskie 1.4
RosMedia Education
Polish-Portuguese Phrasebook for beginners
Aнглийский разговорник - Выучи 2.1
RosMedia Education
Russian-English Language Learning Audio Phrasebook&DictionaryApp for Beginners
Je Parle ANGLAIS - Apprendre l 2.11
RosMedia Education
Free English Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Learn & Speak FRENCH Fast&Easy 1.14
RosMedia Education
Free French Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Aprender Alemán Audio Curso 5.1
RosMedia Education
Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Offline App forBeginners
Je Parle ESPAGNOL Audio Cours 2.5
RosMedia Education
Free Spanish Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Aprender Inglés Audio Curso 2.6
RosMedia Education
Free English Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Je Parle ITALIEN - Audio Cours 2.1
RosMedia Education
The most essential words and phrases of the language, eachwithnative speaker audio. Perfect travel app! All audio isdownloadedto the device and accessible even in airplane mode orwithoutexpensive international roaming fees. * App is for peoplewho knowFRENCH and want to learn the basics of ITALIAN language. *Allphrases and words are in audio version so it’s easy tolearncorrect pronunciation immediately. The phrase book is mainlyforpeople, who don’t speak ITALIAN but it may also be usefulforpeople, who have come across ITALIAN language already. Thelexicalmaterial is based on the basic vocabulary dividedintosubject-related groups and includes the most useful and themostcommon grammar structure, which allow communicating in aspecificsituations. Key ITALIAN vocabulary including: * usefulexpressions* greetings and polite expressions * numbers * time *length,square, weight * colours * weather * personal details*geographical names, nationalities * information signs * travel*post office, telephone * accommodation * sightseeing, tours*restaurant, bar, cafe * shopping * doctor, pharmacy *sport,leisure The lexical material is based on basic vocabularydividedinto subject-related groups and includes the most useful andthemost common grammar structure, which enable communicationinspecific situation. This App contains questions, answers, wordsandphrases, which allow users to communicate in standardsituationsassociated with travel and living abroad and may be usedaslanguage basics aid. After installation, the application maybeused off-line. We hope that this mini-course will be veryusefuland shall encourage you to systemically learn foreignlanguages. *We love getting feedback from our users. If you havequestions orcomments, please send them to
Je Parle ALLEMAND - Apprendre 2.0
RosMedia Education
Free GERMAN Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Aprender Francés Audio Curso 2.0
RosMedia Education
Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Offline App forBeginners
Frasario Italiano - Inglese: I 2.5
RosMedia Education
Free Italian Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary Appfor Beginners
Rozmówki polsko-greckie - szyb 1.3
RosMedia Education
Polish-Greek phrase book. Greek language for beginners with thebasics of grammar
Rozmówki polsko-japońskie 1.1
RosMedia Education
Polish-Japanese phrase book for beginners
Rozmówki polsko-szwedzkie 1.2
RosMedia Education
Phrasebook Polish-Swedish for beginners
Learn Dutch Audio Course 1.0
RosMedia Education
Dutch Language Learning Audio Phrasebook and Dictionary AppforBeginners